Sunday, November 9, 2008

The hoped purpose of this blog:Change is the new Hope

I thought of starting a blog the other day when I was brainstorming signs to carry in the November 7 rally and march. I considered a lot of things along the lines as"Prop 8 is a sleeping dragon you weren't expecting", "Mormons just radicalized a bunch of queers" "'We will change this' is the new 'I hope this doesn't pass'" or "52% of you make me ashamed to be a Californian." I ended up just stealing Joe Hill's line and wrote "Don't Mourn, Organize!" Even though that is a paraphrase of Joe Hill, I beleive the sentiment reflects how I feel. A lot of people were caught off guard and disappointed by this, but I firmly beleive that not only is our fight not over but this is an opportunity to get smart and sincere about expanding this fight and dialouge -- to fight not only for marriage, but things like health care access,and employment discrimination, to name a few.

Anyway, what I see for this is that folks consider this a conversation among friends where we can figure out where we are going to go from here, who is in and out of this conversation, what roadblocks are in the way of taking various paths, what moves us forward and what moves us backwards/to the side, and what kinds of conversations we may be missing while we're busy having the ones that we want to have. I thought maybe we could have this as a rotating political salon for people who like online discussion, or a way to get in touch and make plans to get with other people who have similar thoughts and goals. I don't really know, I just know that if I am silent and in my own head any longer, I may die a big, gay, glittery death.

I'll post some more signs I saw in the march, and maybe some discussion questions. I have a lot of thoughts that I want to post, but I wanted to put this space up first, and hopefully, other people have thoughts to share.


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